Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Reading!

I've moved on to a new book, and it happens to be a sci-fi/fantasy novel. The Secret History of Moscow, by Ekaterina Sedia. Not only does she have a uniquely gorgeous name, but an intriguing novel that manages to comment on the state of affairs of Russia in the 90's while maintaining a definite fantasy slant.
A little from the back (since I haven't read far enough to explain much):
"A dark, cavernous world of magic, weeping trees, and albino jackdaws, where exiled
pagan deities and fairytale creatures whisper strange tales to those who listen."

The main character, Galina, sets out to find her sister, who has turned into a jackdaw after giving birth and flown away. Galina joins ranks with a young cop investigating recent disappearances and, together with a drunkard named Fyodor, they head into the dark and mysterious unknown of the underworld beneath Moscow, a sort of "safe place" for all that has been turned out of Moscow's minds and beliefs. This underworld is where the fantasy and "archetypes" of Old Russia abound. Interesting, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know about the book, but I do hope that the dog found it's way home as well. Hopefully you won't be seeing it at work anymore, and you can know in your heart he is safe somewhere.